Schlagwort-Archiv: wikipedia

Jimmy Wales mag es molekular

jimbo.pngGefragt, was er am liebsten esse, antwortet Wikipedia-Gründer Jimmy Wales:

I like an unusual type of food called „molecular cuisine“. Only a few restaurants in the world have this type of cuisine, and the most famous is the El Bulli in Barcelona, but I’ve never eaten there. But a friend of mine finally ate there but it took three.. (Audio malfunction)What they do is..(Ditto. But ,of course, you can find out of what molecular cuisine is on Wikipedia!) The best restaurant that I’ve ever eaten it in my life is called Fat Dog in London. It turns out that there is a very famous molecular cuisine restaurant here in Tokyo, at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. It’s called Tapas Molecular Bar.

Auch der Rest des Gesprächs, das uns schon dadurch absolut überzeugt hat, als allererstes die Gastro-Frage zu stellen, ist lesenswert.

(Bild: Jimmy Wales, Quelle: Wikipedia, was sonst)