Die Dekonstruktion eines Deli-Sandwiches

wd50.pngGroßes Lob für die molekulare Gastronomie eines Wylie Dufresne aus der Feder von Jon Fasman in dem begleitenden Blog zur Zeitschrift „Intelligent Life“ aus dem Economist-Verlag:

The most memorable dish I had at the parade of wonders that is Wylie Dufresne’s WD-50 restaurant in downtown New York consisted of pickled beef tongue with cubes of fried mayonnaise, tomato molasses, and a row each of lettuce and onion diced impossibly small. It wasn’t just the wizardry of frying mayonnaise […] It was the wittiness of the dish as a whole: the deconstructed deli sandwich was Mr Dufresne’s tip of the toque to his neighborhood’s eastern European Jewish heritage.

Zitatpop nach Gastronomenart. Das gefällt uns. (via Huffington Post)

(Bild: „WD-50“ von Eddie does Japan)

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