How Do You Like To Thicken Your Sauce?

Beurre manie, Bild von Gastronomical Inspirations

Chef Christopher Allen Tanner aus Bosten Ma. gibt auf seinem Blog Gastronomical Inspirations eine schöne Übersicht der verschiedenen Verdickungsmittel, die in der Küche verwendung finden: „How Do You Like To Thicken Your Sauce?“ – Schwerpunkt sind die traditionellen Binder wie Roux, aber auch die molekulare Küche wird gewürdigt:

These additives though have made new textures, without damaging the flavor of the sauce. Lecite is a chemical that helps thicken sauces into a shaving cream type foam. Lecite is often used with juices and pure liquids to preserve their pure flavor while giving them a distinct texture. Glice is another chemical used that emulsifies liquids with the addition of a fat. Olive oil is one of the most popularly used fats for this preparation in making a sauce or foam. Again, in this case no flavor is added, just a desired texture.

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